Задание № 9019

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A-F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1-7. Одна из частей в списке лишняя.

1. and continue to influence its present and future

2. that influences the public opinion and lifestyle

3. has changed and evolved to reflect the needs of a growing

4. to one and a half million visitors each year

5. to half a million books and documents that help to inform them

6. that affect the lives of every Canadian

7. to both symbolize and celebrate the great nation it serves

Parliament Hill is the home of Canadian democracy and a proud national symbol. It is the heart of Canada's federal government, where representatives from across the country meet to make laws A ______ .

And it is much more than that. Parliament Hill is where you can explore figures, events and achievements that have shaped the country’s past, B ______ . Look closely and you can uncover an image of Canada, its people, history and culture.

The planning and construction of the buildings, monuments and landscapes of Parliament Hill began in 1859. Since then, the Hill C ______ and modern country. The Hill is home to Canada’s federal government, and welcomes close D ______ . A place of work, a place to meet and a place of leisure, Canada’s Parliament Hill has come E ______ .

The beautiful structures of Parliament Hill include many historic monuments and stone buildings with copper-tiled roofs. The Centre Block is home to the Senate, the House of Commons and the Library. The Library of Parliament preserves and protects Canada’s legislative past. It ensures that senators and members of Parliament have immediate access F ______ on all matters of parliamentary concern. However, the Library is more than a collection of books alone; it contributes to Canadian democracy by creating and delivering reliable and relevant information to and about Parliament.

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A - 6 По переводу: принимает законы, которые ВЛИЯЮТ НА ЖИЗНЬ КАЖДОГО КАНАДЦА.

B - 1 По логике предложения: Есть информация о прошлом("events and achievements that have shaped the country’s past "), значит ожидает о настоящем и будущем.

C - 3 Since then показывает на необходимость употребления Present Perfect.

D - 4 Close требует после себя TO - close to one and a half million visitors each year.

E - 7 По переводу: Место работы, место встречи и место отдыха, Парламент Канады как символ и празднование великой нации, которой он служит.

F - 5 have access TO - устоявшееся выражение.

Ответ: 613475

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