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Хм. Вроде бы и первый результат есть, но пока без особой радости. Надо больше стараться, больше работать. Хорошо?

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Household chores

…Can you imagine we’ve just come home from the supermarket and it turned out that we spent 5 hours there! I can’t believe it! We wasted so much time shopping for food. I just hate it when mum asks me to help her with that. What about you? How do you help your parents during the week? What is your least favourite household chore? Why don’t you like doing it?

By the way, father bought a new lawnmower last week…

Write an email to Mark.

In your message:

– answer his questions;

– ask 3 questions about his father’s lawn mower.

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Dear Mark, 

I was so glad to hearing from you! I really understand you and agree with your opinion about shopping. I consider that my family spends a lot of money for comfortable life. As a rule, I help my parents with cooking, cleaning and shopping. Anyway, I do not like sorting out all the flat, because it is quite boring for me. However, I like listening to music while doing the daily routine. It makes me happier.

By the way, how does your dad's new lawnmover work? Has your family ever had another one? How often does your dad use it?

Unfortunately, I have to go, because my mom wants me to help her about the house. Well, keep in touch!

Sincerely yours, Varvara.

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  • ИТОГО: 3 из 6
Комментарий эксперта
Лариса Николаевна Пономаренко
Нет бла­го­дар­но­сти за по­лу­чен­ное пись­мо.

Imagine that you are doing a project on the most desired domestic appliances among teenagers in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject — the results of opinion polls (see the table below). Comment on the data in the table and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project.

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No doubt, electronic devices are rather indispensible nowadays. So, teenagers are interested in their the most. This essay will investigate which appliances young people prefer and why. 

One should start with the most popular devices. The first place in the statistic got the fridge. It is not surprising, because every person wants to eat. Moreover, teenagers are still growing up and need vitamins and balanced nutrition. If teenagers want to be fit, they have to eat healthy food. Coming back to the opinion polls, one can say that the second place got the washing machine. I think, it is a great domestic appliance, because it simplifies daily routine. Teenagers really wants to attract each other. That is the reason why they ought to have a nice outlook. Thus, the washing machine is a favourite helper in this way. 

One should continue with the less popular devices. The second-to-last place in the statistic got the vacuum cleaner. So, parents are always worried about sorting out, and that is why vacuum cleaner can make it faster and better for teenagers. Moreover, the relationships with parents become more friendly if their children solve domestic problems effectively.

To draw the conclusion, one can say that modern teenagers cannot live without electronic devices, because of their benefits. In my own opinion, it is important not to forget about the technical progress in order to be flexible and well-developed.

  • 0 из 3К0Решение коммуникативной задачи (РКЗ)
  • 0 из 3К1Организация текста
  • 0 из 3К2Лексика
  • 0 из 3К3Грамматика
  • 0 из 2К4Орфография и пунктуация
  • ИТОГО: 0 из 14
Комментарий эксперта
Лариса Николаевна Пономаренко
Вы недо­ста­точ­но хо­ро­шо пред­став­ля­е­те струк­ту­ру и ло­ги­ку та­кой ра­бо­ты. Ре­ко­мен­дую по­смот­реть ра­бо­ты на на­шем сай­те с вы­со­ким бал­лом. Успе­хов!
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