As part of my project on what literary genres are popular among teenagers in Zetland, I have found some data of a survey and I’m going to analyze them and express my opinion on the subject of the project.
The table with the survey results reveals that the most of the respondents consider “Fantasy” (30%) to be a popular literary genre among teenagers. “Science fiction” and “Detective/war/spy stories/thrillers with 25% and 20% occupy the second and the third position in the list, respectively. ‘’Classical literature” is ranked the last in popularity.
According to the data, “Detective/war/spy stories/thrillers (20%) is twice as high as “‘Classical literature” (10%). In my opinion, classical literature can seem boring to modern teenagers. Detective/war/spy stories/thrillers usually offer more intriguing and exciting plots with audacious characters. These features of the genres capture a young reader mak