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Комментарий к фрагменту
reshaping (без пояснения звучит довольно странно)
Комментарий к фрагменту
Комментарий к фрагменту
Комментарий к фрагменту
Комментарий к фрагменту
Комментарий к фрагменту
РКЗ+/- в заключении надо было указать аудиторию, т.е. необходимость пластических операций для подростков, а не вообще для людей
Английский язык
13 из 14
Автор : Алина
12:58, 14 ноября 2023

Imagine that you are doing а project on what structures in their head and neck teenagers in Zetland would like to reshape. You have found some data on the subject - the results of the opinion polls (see the tаblе below). Comment оп the data in th е tаЫе and give your opinion оп the subject of the project. Structures in head/neck -      Number of choices (%)

Nose - 45

Ears - 27

Chin - 11

Cheekbones - 10

Neckline - 7

Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan:

- make an opening state ment on the subject of the project;

- select and report 2-3 ti acts;

- make 1-2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

- outline а problem that one can face with facial surgery and suggest а way of solving it;

- conclude bу giving and explaining your opinion on the necessity of reshaping structures in their head and neck for teenagers.

Показать текст целиком

Facial surgery is becoming more and more popular nowadays. While doing a project on what structures in their head and neck teenagers in Zetland would like to reshape, I have found a table with some relevant data. I am going to analyse the data and express my opinion on the subject of the project. 

As can be seen from the table, most respondents in Zetland would like to reshape nose and ears – 45% and 27% respectively. It is also clear that the least popular part of the body to reshape is neckline (just 7%). 

According to the table, nose, which is popular with 45% of the respondents, is 34 percentage points more popular than chin, which was chosen

  • 3 из 3К1Решение коммуникативной задачи (РКЗ)
  • 2 из 3К2Организация текста
  • 3 из 3К3Лексика
  • 3 из 3К4Грамматика
  • 2 из 2К5Орфография и пунктуация
  • ИТОГО: 13 из 14
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