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Английский язык
14 из 14
14:37, 13 июня 2022

Imagine that you are doing a project on advantageous of living in the countryside in Zetland.Less pollution41%less noise from neighbours 25%
More sunlight and fresh air 14%Friendlier people around 11%Eating healthier food 9%-outline a problem that can arise with living in the countyside and suggest a way of solving it.-conclude by giving your  opinion on the life in the countryside.

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Millions of people around the world live in the countryside.  I am currently doing a project on advantages of living in the countryside in Zetland. I have found some information in the form of a table on this subject, so I am going to provide its analysis now.

According to the results of the opinion polls, it may be noticed that almost the majority of the respondents (41%) mention "Less pollution" as a merit of rural life. The least popular advantage is eating healthier food, which is cited by approximately a tenth of the surveyed, namely by 9%. Such benefit "More sunlight and fresh air" occupies the middle position in this rating with 14% of the votes.

It is evident from the diagram that the number of the polled people who choose less pollution is almost four times as large as

  • 3 из 3К1Решение коммуникативной задачи (РКЗ)
  • 3 из 3К2Организация текста
  • 3 из 3К3Лексика
  • 3 из 3К4Грамматика
  • 2 из 2К5Орфография и пунктуация
  • ИТОГО: 14 из 14
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