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Английский язык
14 из 14
20:12, 18 апреля 2018

Graffity is a form of art rather than vandalism

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There is no doubt that graffiti are becoming more and more popular nowadays. People share different points of view on this issue: some of them are sure that it is a form of art which must be respected, while others disagree with this opinion.

Personally, I support the first point of view and can explain why. Firstly, one should not deny that street art can be a real masterpiece. For example, the works of the graffiti artist Banksy are even protected by the government. Secondly, painting on a wall is one of the best ways for the young people to express their thoughts and feelings. For instance, if you are dissatisfied with something, you can paint a picture about it and it will be seen by o

  • 3 из 3К1Решение коммуникативной задачи
  • 3 из 3К2Организация текста
  • 3 из 3К3Лексика
  • 3 из 3К4Грамматика
  • 2 из 2К5Орфография и пунктуация
  • ИТОГО: 14 из 14
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