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Английский язык
6 из 6
Автор : Алина
20:39, 1 июня 2017

   The high salary of athletes is justified. 

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  Some people consider that it’s unfair when famous athletes earn millions every year. But others insist these people deserve such high salaries. Well, who is right?
     In the modern world sports are getting more and more in demand. I do believe that great sportsmen have a colossal impact on our social life. The first reason is the essential role of athletes in our everyday life. Watching TV with outstanding starts, we have a rest and feel psychological emotions, which allow eliminating stress and leaving all troubles behind. Secondly, athletes are salient example of such quality as patriotism. It subconsciously makes people to proud of their country at world-class competitions. Finally, a large part of their earnings is from advertising, stars generate huge revenues for the companies like “Adidas” or “Nike”, which can

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  • ИТОГО: 6 из 6
Комментарий эксперта
Лариса Николаевна Пономаренко
1. В этой фор­ме пи­шет­ся лич­ное пись­мо. 2. Объ­ем ва­ше­го со­чи­не­ния пре­вы­ша­ет нор­му. 3. Ре­ко­мен­дую изу­чить луч­шие ра­бо­ты с вы­со­ким бал­лом.
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